Yesterday was winter solstice. As I honored the quietness of the night and darkness, I ended up feeling filled with more light. As daylight incrementally lengthens, I think about all the light that is in my life. A community that I know will be there for me when I reach out. My family to go back to even if it is not often. The morning air that greets me every day to which I am fortunate to wake up. The softness of evening. Freedom of mobility. Comfort of nourishing food. Home with heat.
These lights I know came into being by the cyclic existence of sunlight but I know that they do not depend on how long the sun is visible to the eyes. Strangely, it was honoring the cocoon-like depth of the night that revealed all of these lights in my life. A winter night can be warm in this way. Everyday can sparkle and be buoyant.